Midterm Review: Grouping, Pivoting, Imputation, and Web Scraping

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The problems in this worksheet are taken from past exams in similar classes. Work on them on paper, since the exams you take in this course will also be on paper.

We encourage you to attempt these problems before Monday’s exam review session, so that we have enough time to walk through the solutions to all of the problems.

We will enable the solutions here after the review session, though you can find the written solutions to these problems in other discussion worksheets.

Problem 1

For this question, we will work with the DataFrame tv, which contains information about various TV shows available to watch on streaming services. For each TV show, we have:

The first few rows of tv are shown below (though tv has many more rows than are pictured here).

Assume that we have already run all of the necessary imports.

Throughout this problem, we will refer to tv repeatedly.

In the following subparts, consider the variable double_count, defined below.

double_count = tv["Title"].value_counts().value_counts()

Problem 1.1

What is type(double_count)?

Answer: Series

The .value_counts() method, when called on a Series s, produces a new Series in which

  • the index contains all unique values in s.
  • the values are the frequencies of the unique values in s.

Since tv["Title"] is a Series, tv["Title"].value_counts() is a Series, and so is tv["Title"].value_counts.value_counts(). We provide an interpretation of each of these Series in the solution to the next subpart.

Problem 1.2

Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.


  • The only case in which it would make sense to set the index of tv to "Title" is if double_count.loc[1] == tv.shape[0] is True.
  • If double_count.loc[2] == 5 is True, there are 5 pairs of 2 TV shows such that each pair shares the same "Title".

To answer, we need to understand what each of tv["Title"], tv["Title"].value_counts(), and tv["Title"].value_counts().value_counts() contain. To illustrate, let’s start with a basic, unrelated example. Suppose tv["Title"] looks like:

0    A
1    B
2    C
3    B
4    D
5    E
6    A
dtype: object

Then, tv["Title"].value_counts() looks like:

A    2
B    2
C    1
D    1
E    1
dtype: int64

and tv["Title"].value_counts().value_counts() looks like:

1    3
2    2
dtype: int64

Back to our actual dataset. tv["Title"], as we know, contains the name of each TV show. tv["Title"].value_counts() is a Series whose index is a sequence of the unique TV show titles in tv["Title"], and whose values are the frequencies of each title. tv["Title"].value_counts() may look something like the following:

Breaking Bad                             1
Fresh Meat                               1
Doctor Thorne                            1
Styling Hollywood                        1
Vai Anitta                               1
Fearless Adventures with Jack Randall    1
Name: Title, Length: 5368, dtype: int64

Then, tv["Title"].value_counts().value_counts() is a Series whose index is a sequence of the unique values in the above Series, and whose values are the frequencies of each value above. In the case where all titles in tv["Title"] are unique, then tv["Title"].value_counts() will only have one unique value, 1, repeated many times. Then, tv["Title"].value_counts().value_counts() will only have one row total, and will look something like:

1    5368
Name: Title, dtype: int64

This allows us to distinguish between the first two answer choices. The key is remembering that in order to set a column to the index, the column should only contain unique values, since the goal of the index is to provide a “name” (more formally, a label) for each row.

  • The first answer choice, “The only case in which it would make sense to set the index of tv to "Title" is if double_count.iloc[0] == 1 is True”, is false. As we can see in the example above, all titles are unique, but double_count.iloc[0] is something other than 1.
  • The second answer choice, “The only case in which it would make sense to set the index of tv to "Title" is if double_count.loc[1] == tv.shape[0] is True”, is true. If double_count.loc[1] == tv.shape[0], it means that all values in tv["Title"].value_counts() were 1, meaning that tv["Title"] consisted solely of unique values, which is the only case in which it makes sense to set "Title" to the index.

Now, let’s look at the second two answer choices. If double_counts.loc[2] == 5, it would mean that 5 of the values in tv["Title"].value_counts() were 2. This would mean that there were 5 pairs of titles in tv["Title"] that were the same.

  • This makes the fourth answer choice, “If double_count.loc[2] == 5 is True, there are 5 pairs of 2 TV shows such that each pair shares the same "Title"”, correct.
  • The third answer choice, “If double_count.loc[2] == 5 is True, there are 5 TV shows that all share the same "Title"”, is incorrect; if there were 5 TV shows with the same title, then double_count.loc[5] would be at least 1, but we can’t make any guarantees about double_counts.loc[2].

Problem 1.3

Ethan is an avid Star Wars fan, and the only streaming service he has an account on is Disney+. (He had a Netflix account, but then Netflix cracked down on password sharing.)

Fill in the blanks below so that star_disney_prop evaluates to the proportion of TV shows in tv with "Star Wars" in the title that are available to stream on Disney+.

star_only = __(a)__
star_disney_prop = __(b)__ / star_only.shape[0]

What goes in the blanks?


  • Blank (a): tv[tv["Title"].str.contains("Star Wars")]
  • Blank (b): star_only["Disney+"].sum()

We’re asked to find the proportion of TV shows with "Star Wars" in the title that are available to stream on Disney+. This is a fraction, where:

  • The numerator is the number of TV shows that have "Star Wars" in the title and are available to stream on Disney+.
  • The denominator is the number of TV shows that have "Star Wars" in the title.

The key is recognizing that star_only must be a DataFrame that contains all the rows in which the "Title" contains "Star Wars"; to create this DataFrame in blank (a), we use tv[tv["Title"].str.contains("Star Wars")]. Then, the denominator is already provided for us, and all we need to fill in is the numerator. There are a few possibilities, though they all include star_only:

  • star_only["Disney+"].sum()
  • (star_only["Disney+"] == 1).sum()
  • star_only[star_only["Disney+"] == 1].shape[0]

Common misconception: Many students calculated the wrong proportion: they calculated the proportion of shows available to stream on Disney+ that have "Star Wars" in the title. We asked for the proportion of shows with "Star Wars" in the title that are available to stream on Disney+; “proportion of X that Y” is always \frac{\# X \text{ and } Y}{\# X}.

Problem 2

In this problem, we will be using the following DataFrame students, which contains various information about high school students and the university/universities they applied to.

The columns are:

The rows of 'student' are arranged in no particular order. The first eight rows of 'student' are shown above (though 'student' has many more rows than pictured here).

Problem 2.1

Fill in the blank so that the result evaluates to a Series indexed by "Email" that contains a list of the universities that each student was admitted to. If a student wasn’t admitted to any universities, they should have an empty list.


What goes in the blank?

Answer: lambda df: df.loc[df["Admit"] == "Y", "University"].tolist()

Problem 2.2

Which of the following blocks of code correctly assign max_AP to the maximum number of APs taken by a student who was rejected by UC San Diego?

Option 1:

cond1 = students["Admit"] == "N"
cond2 = students["University"] == "UC San Diego"
max_AP = students.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].sort_values().iloc[-1]

Option 2:

cond1 = students["Admit"] == "N"
cond2 = students["University"] == "UC San Diego"
d3 = students.groupby(["University", "Admit"]).max().reset_index()
max_AP = d3.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].iloc[0]

Option 3:

p = students.pivot_table(index="Admit", 
max_AP = p.loc["N", "UC San Diego"]

Option 4:

# .last() returns the element at the end of a Series it is called on
groups = students.sort_values(["APs", "Admit"]).groupby("University")
max_AP = groups["APs"].last()["UC San Diego"]

Select all that apply. There is at least one correct option.

Answer: Option 1 and Option 3

  • Option 1 works correctly, it is probably the most straightforward way of answering the question. cond1 is True for all rows in which students were rejected, and cond2 is True for all rows in which students applied to UCSD. As such, students.loc[cond1 & cond2] contains only the rows where students were rejected from UCSD. Then, students.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].sort_values() sorts by the number of "APs" taken in increasing order, and .iloc[-1] gets the largest number of "APs" taken.

  • Option 2 doesn’t work because the lengths of cond1 and cond2 are not the same as the length of d3, so this causes an error.

  • Option 3 works correctly. For each combination of "Admit" status ("Y", "N", "W") and "University" (including UC San Diego), it computes the max number of "APs". The usage of .loc["N", "UC San Diego"] is correct too.

  • Option 4 doesn’t work. It currently returns the maximum number of "APs" taken by someone who applied to UC San Diego; it does not factor in whether they were admitted, rejected, or waitlisted.

Problem 2.3

Currently, students has a lot of repeated information — for instance, if a student applied to 10 universities, their GPA appears 10 times in students.

We want to generate a DataFrame that contains a single row for each student, indexed by "Email", that contains their "Name", "High School", "GPA", and "APs".

One attempt to create such a DataFrame is below.

students.groupby("Email").aggregate({"Name": "max",
                                        "High School": "mean",
                                        "GPA": "mean",
                                        "APs": "max"})

There is exactly one issue with the line of code above. In one sentence, explain what needs to be changed about the line of code above so that the desired DataFrame is created.

Answer: The problem right now is that aggregating High School by mean doesn’t work since you can’t aggregate a column with strings using "mean". Thus changing it to something that works for strings like "max" or "min" would fix the issue.

Problem 2.4

Consider the following snippet of code.

pivoted = students.assign(Admit=students["Admit"] == "Y") \
                    .pivot_table(index="High School", 

Some of the rows and columns of pivoted are shown below.

No students from Warren High were admitted to Columbia or Stanford. However,
pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Columbia"] and pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Stanford"] evaluate to different values. What is the reason for this difference?

Answer: Option 3

pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Stanford"] is NaN because there were no rows in students in which the "High School" was "Warren High" and the "University" was "Stanford", because nobody from Warren High applied to Stanford. However, pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Columbia"] is not NaN because there was at least one row in students in which the "High School" was "Warren High" and the "University" was "Columbia". This means that at least one student from Warren High applied to Columbia.

Option 3 is the only option consistent with this logic.

Problem 3

After taking the SAT, Nicole wants to check the College Board’s website to see her score. However, the College Board recently updated their website to use non-standard HTML tags and Nicole’s browser can’t render it correctly. As such, she resorts to making a GET request to the site with her scores on it to get back the source HTML and tries to parse it with BeautifulSoup.

Suppose soup is a BeautifulSoup object instantiated using the following HTML document.

<college>Your score is ready!</college>

<sat verbal="ready" math="ready">
  Your percentiles are as follows:
  <scorelist listtype="percentiles">
    <scorerow kind="verbal" subkind="per">
      Verbal: <scorenum>84</scorenum>
    <scorerow kind="math" subkind="per">
      Math: <scorenum>99</scorenum>
  And your actual scores are as follows:
  <scorelist listtype="scores">
    <scorerow kind="verbal"> Verbal: <scorenum>680</scorenum> </scorerow>
    <scorerow kind="math"> Math: <scorenum>800</scorenum> </scorerow>

Problem 3.1

Which of the following expressions evaluate to "verbal"? Select all that apply.

Answer: Option 1, Option 3, Option 4

Correct options:

  • Option 1 finds the first <scorerow> element and retrieves its "kind" attribute, which is "verbal" for the first <scorerow> encountered in the HTML document.
  • Option 2 finds the first <scorerow> tag, retrieves its text ("Verbal: 84"), splits this text by “:”, and takes the first element of the resulting list ("Verbal"), converting it to lowercase to match "verbal".
  • Option 3 creates a list of "kind" attributes for all <scorerow> elements. The second to last (-2) element in this list corresponds to the "kind" attribute of the first <scorerow> in the second <scorelist> tag, which is also "verbal".

Incorrect options:

  • Option 2 attempts to get an attribute ready from the <sat> tag, which does not exist as an attribute.
  • Option 5 tries to retrieve a "kind" attribute from a <scorelist> tag, but <scorelist> does not have a "kind" attribute.

Problem 3.2

Consider the following function.

def summer(tree):
    if isinstance(tree, list):
        total = 0
        for subtree in tree:
            for s in subtree.find_all("scorenum"):
                total += int(s.text)
        return total
        return sum([int(s.text) for s in tree.find_all("scorenum")])

For each of the following values, fill in the blanks to assign tree such that summer(tree) evaluates to the desired value. The first example has been done for you.

    tree = soup.find("scorerow")
    tree = soup.find(__a__)
    tree = soup.find(__b__)
    tree = soup.find_all(__c__)

Answer: a: "scorelist", b: "scorelist", attrs={"listtype":"scores"}, c: "scorerow", attrs={"kind":"math"}

soup.find("scorelist") selects the first <scorelist> tag, which includes both verbal and math percentiles (84 and 99). The function summer(tree) sums these values to get 183.

This selects the <scorelist> tag with listtype="scores", which contains the actual scores of verbal (680) and math (800). The function sums these to get 1480.

This selects all <scorerow>elements with kind="math", capturing both the percentile (99) and the actual score (800). Since tree is now a list, summer(tree) iterates through each <scorerow> in the list, summing their <scorenum> values to reach 899.

Problem 4

The EECS 398 staff are looking into hotels — some in San Diego, for their family to stay at for graduation (and to eat Mexican food), and some elsewhere, for summer trips.

Each row of hotels contains information about a different hotel in San Diego. Specifically, for each hotel, we have:

The first few rows of hotels are shown below, but hotels has many more rows than are shown.

Now, consider the variable summed, defined below.

summed = hotels.groupby("Chain")["Number of Rooms"].sum().idxmax()

Problem 4.1

What is type(summed)?

Answer: str

When we do a groupby on the Chain column in hotels, this means that the values in the Chain column will be the indices of the DataFrame or Series we get as output, in this case the Series hotels.groupby("Chain")["Number of Rooms"].sum().

Since the values of Chain are strings, and since .idxmax() will return a value from the index of the aforementioned Series, summed is a string.

Problem 4.2

In one sentence, explain what the value of summed means. Phrase your explanation as if you had to give it to someone who is not a data science major; that is, don’t say something like “it is the result of grouping hotels by "Chain", selecting the "Number of Rooms" column, …”, but instead, give the value context.

Answer: summed is the name of the hotel chain with the most total rooms

The result of the .groupby() and .sum() is a Series indexed by the unique Chains, whose values are the total number of rooms in hotels owned by each chain. The idxmax() function gets the index corresponding to the largest value in the Series, which will be the hotel chain name with the most total rooms.

Problem 4.3

Consider the variable curious, defined below.

curious = frame["Chain"].value_counts().idxmax()

Fill in the blank: curious is guaranteed to be equal to summed only if frame has one row for every ____ in San Diego.

Answer: hotel room

curious gets the most common value of Chain in the DataFrame frame. We already know that summed is the hotel chain with the most rooms in San Diego, so curious only equals summed if the most common Chain in frame is the hotel chain with the most total rooms; this occurs when each row of frame is a single hotel room.

Problem 4.4

Fill in the blanks so that popular_areas is an array of the names of the unique neighborhoods that have at least 5 hotels and at least 1000 hotel rooms.

    f = lambda df: __(i)__
    popular_areas = (hotels
  1. What goes in blank (i)?

  2. What goes in blank (ii)?

  1. What goes in blank (iii)?
  1. What goes in blank (iv)?


  1. df.shape[0] >= 5 and df["Number of Rooms"].sum() >= 1000
  2. "Location"
  3. filter(f)
  4. ["Location"].unique() or equivalent

We’d like to only consider certain neighborhoods according to group characteristics (having >= 5 hotels and >= 1000 hotel rooms), and .filter() allows us to do that by excluding groups not meeting those criteria. So, we can write a function that evaluates those criteria on one group at a time (the df of input to f is the subset of hotels containing just one Location value), and calling filter(f) means that the only remaining rows are hotels in neighborhoods that match those criteria. Finally, all we have to do is get the unique neighborhoods from this DataFrame, which are the neighborhoods for which f returned True.

Problem 4.5

Consider the code below.

    cond1 = hotels["Chain"] == "Marriott"
    cond2 = hotels["Location"] == "Coronado"
    combined = hotels[cond1].merge(hotels[cond2], on="Hotel Name", how=???)
  1. If we replace ??? with "inner" in the code above, which of the following will be equal to combined.shape[0]?
  1. If we replace ??? with "outer" in the code above, which of the following will be equal to combined.shape[0]?


  1. (cond1 & cond2).sum()
  2. cond1.sum() + cond2.sum() - (cond1 & cond2).sum()

Note that cond1 and cond2 are boolean Series, and hotels[cond1] and hotels[cond2] are the subsets of hotels where Chain == "Marriott and "Location" == "Coronado", respectively.

  1. When we perform an inner merge, we’re selecting every row where a Hotel Name appears in both hotels[cond1] and hotels[cond2]. This is the same set of indices (and therefore hotel names, since those are unique) as where (cond1 & cond2) == True. So, the length of combined will be the same as the number of Trues in (cond1 & cond2).

  2. When we perform an outer merge, we’re selecting every row that appears in either DataFrame, although there will not be repeats for hotels that are both Marriott properties and are in Coronado. So, to find the total number of rows in either DataFrame, we take the sum of the sizes of each, and subtract rows that appear in both, which corresponds to answer cond1.sum() + cond2.sum() - (cond1 & cond2).sum().

Problem 5

Pranavi proposes the following imputation scheme.

    def impute(s):
        return s.fillna(np.random.choice(s[s.notna()]))

Problem 5.1

True or False: impute performs probabilistic imputation, using the same definition of probabilistic imputation we learned about in class.

Answer: False

In impute, np.random.choice will return a single non-null value from s, and .fillna() will fill every null value with this single value. Meanwhile, probabilistic imputation draws a different value from a specified distribution to fill each missing value, making it such that there won’t be a single “spike” in the imputed distribution at a single chosen value.

Problem 5.2

Consider the following expressions and values.

    >>> vals.isna().mean()
    >>> vals.describe().loc[["min", "mean", "max"]]
    min     2.0
    mean    4.0
    max     7.0
    dtype: float64

Given the above, what is the maximum possible value of impute(vals).mean()? Give your answer as a number rounded to one decimal place.

Answer: 4.6

The maximum possible value of impute(vals).mean() would occur when every single missing value in vals is filled in with the highest possible non-null value in vals. (As discussed in the previous solution, impute selects only one value from s to fill into every missing space.)

If this occurs, then the mean of the imputed Series will be weighted mean of the available data and the filled data, and given the numbers in the question, this is 0.8 \cdot 4 + 0.2 \cdot 7, or 4.6.

Problem 5.3

Which of the following statements below will always evaluate to True?

Answer: None of the above

Since the value which impute will choose to impute with is random, the effect that it has on the standard deviation of vals is unknown. If the missing values are filled with a value close to the mean, this could reduce standard deviation; if they are filled with a value far from the mean, this could increase standard deviation. (Of course, the imputation will also shift the mean, so without knowing details of the Series, it’s impossible to come up with thresholds.) In any case, since the value for imputation is chosen at random, none of these statements will always be true, and so the correct answer is “none of the above.”

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