Grouping, Pivoting, and Merging

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The problems in this worksheet are taken from past exams in similar classes. Work on them on paper, since the exams you take in this course will also be on paper.

We encourage you to complete this worksheet in a live discussion section. Solutions will be made available after all discussion sections have concluded. You don’t need to submit your answers anywhere.

Note: We do not plan to cover all problems here in the live discussion section; the problems we don’t cover can be used for extra practice.

Problem 1

The laptops DataFrame contains information on various factors that influence the pricing of laptops. Each row represents a laptop, and the columns are:

Problem 1.1

Without using groupby, write an expression that evaluates to the average price of laptops with the "macOS" operating system (the same quantity as above).

Answer: laptops.loc[laptops["OS"] == "macOS", "Price"].mean()

Problem 1.2

Using groupby, write an expression that evaluates to the average price of laptops with the "macOS" operating system.

Answer: laptops.groupby("OS")["Price"].mean().loc["macOS"]

Problem 2

You are given a DataFrame called books that contains columns 'author' (string), 'title' (string), 'num_chapters' (int), and 'publication_year' (int).

Suppose that after doing books.groupby('author').max(), one row says

author title num_chapters publication_year
Charles Dickens Oliver Twist 53 1838

Problem 2.1

Based on this data, can you conclude that Charles Dickens is the alphabetically last of all author names in this dataset?

Answer: No

When we group by 'author', all books by the same author get aggregated together into a single row. The aggregation function is applied separately to each other column besides the column we’re grouping by. Since we’re grouping by 'author' here, the 'author' column never has the max() function applied to it. Instead, each unique value in the 'author' column becomes a value in the index of the grouped DataFrame. We are told that the Charles Dickens row is just one row of the output, but we don’t know anything about the other rows of the output, or the other authors. We can’t say anything about where Charles Dickens falls when authors are ordered alphabetically (but it’s probably not last!)

Problem 2.2

Based on this data, can you conclude that Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist?

Answer: Yes

Grouping by 'author' collapses all books written by the same author into a single row. Since we’re applying the max() function to aggregate these books, we can conclude that Oliver Twist is alphabetically last among all books in the books DataFrame written by Charles Dickens. So Charles Dickens did write Oliver Twist based on this data.

Problem 2.3

Based on this data, can you conclude that Oliver Twist has 53 chapters?

Answer: No

The key to this problem is that groupby applies the aggregation function, max() in this case, independently to each column. The output should be interpreted as follows:

  • Among all books in books written by Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist is the title that is alphabetically last.
  • Among all books in books written by Charles Dickens, 53 is the greatest number of chapters.
  • Among all books in books written by Charles Dickens, 1838 is the latest year of publication.

However, the book titled Oliver Twist, the book with 53 chapters, and the book published in 1838 are not necessarily all the same book. We cannot conclude, based on this data, that Oliver Twist has 53 chapters.

Problem 2.4

Based on this data, can you conclude that Charles Dickens wrote a book with 53 chapters that was published in 1838?

Answer: No

As explained in the previous question, the max() function is applied separately to each column, so the book written by Charles Dickens with 53 chapters may not be the same book as the book written by Charles Dickens published in 1838.

Problem 3

The DataFrame items describes various items available to collect or purchase using bells, the currency used in the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

For each item, we have:

The first 6 rows of items are below, though items has more rows than are shown here.

The DataFrame keepers has 5 rows, each of which represent a different shopkeeper in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons universe.

keepers is shown below in its entirety.

How many rows are in the following DataFrame? Give your answer as an integer.


Answer: 10

Since the type of join is not specified, this is an inner join. Each row in keepers is merged with each row in items only if 'Store' in keepers equals 'Location' in items. Each row in keepers has the following number of merges: row 0 has 1, row 1 has 3, row 2 has 3, row 3 has 0 (there are no rows in items with 'Location' equal to ‘Kicks Shoe Store’), and row 4 has 3.

1 + 3 + 3 + 0 + 3 = 10

Problem 4

Suppose we create a DataFrame called midwest containing Nishant’s flights departing from DTW, ORD, and MKE. midwest has 10 rows; the bar chart below shows how many of these 10 flights departed from each airport.

Consider the DataFrame that results from merging midwest with itself, as follows:

double_merge = midwest.merge(midwest, left_on='FROM', right_on='FROM')

How many rows does double_merge have?

Answer: 38

There are two flights from DTW. When we merge midwest with itself on the 'FROM' column, each of these flights gets paired up with each of these flights, for a total of four rows in the output. That is, the first flight from DTW gets paired with both the first and second flights from DTW. Similarly, the second flight from DTW gets paired with both the first and second flights from DTW.

Following this logic, each of the five flights from ORD gets paired with each of the five flights from ORD, for an additional 25 rows in the output. For MKE, there will be 9 rows in the output. The total is therefore 2^2 + 5^2 + 3^2 = 4 + 25 + 9 = 38 rows.

Problem 5

In this problem, we will be using the following DataFrame students, which contains various information about high school students and the university/universities they applied to.

The columns are:

The rows of 'student' are arranged in no particular order. The first eight rows of 'student' are shown above (though 'student' has many more rows than pictured here).

Problem 5.1

Fill in the blank so that the result evaluates to a Series indexed by "Email" that contains a list of the universities that each student was admitted to. If a student wasn’t admitted to any universities, they should have an empty list.


What goes in the blank?

Answer: lambda df: df.loc[df["Admit"] == "Y", "University"].tolist()

Problem 5.2

Which of the following blocks of code correctly assign max_AP to the maximum number of APs taken by a student who was rejected by UC San Diego?

Option 1:

cond1 = students["Admit"] == "N"
cond2 = students["University"] == "UC San Diego"
max_AP = students.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].sort_values().iloc[-1]

Option 2:

cond1 = students["Admit"] == "N"
cond2 = students["University"] == "UC San Diego"
d3 = students.groupby(["University", "Admit"]).max().reset_index()
max_AP = d3.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].iloc[0]

Option 3:

p = students.pivot_table(index="Admit", 
max_AP = p.loc["N", "UC San Diego"]

Option 4:

# .last() returns the element at the end of a Series it is called on
groups = students.sort_values(["APs", "Admit"]).groupby("University")
max_AP = groups["APs"].last()["UC San Diego"]

Select all that apply. There is at least one correct option.

Answer: Option 1 and Option 3

  • Option 1 works correctly, it is probably the most straightforward way of answering the question. cond1 is True for all rows in which students were rejected, and cond2 is True for all rows in which students applied to UCSD. As such, students.loc[cond1 & cond2] contains only the rows where students were rejected from UCSD. Then, students.loc[cond1 & cond2, "APs"].sort_values() sorts by the number of "APs" taken in increasing order, and .iloc[-1] gets the largest number of "APs" taken.

  • Option 2 doesn’t work because the lengths of cond1 and cond2 are not the same as the length of d3, so this causes an error.

  • Option 3 works correctly. For each combination of "Admit" status ("Y", "N", "W") and "University" (including UC San Diego), it computes the max number of "APs". The usage of .loc["N", "UC San Diego"] is correct too.

  • Option 4 doesn’t work. It currently returns the maximum number of "APs" taken by someone who applied to UC San Diego; it does not factor in whether they were admitted, rejected, or waitlisted.

Problem 5.3

Currently, students has a lot of repeated information — for instance, if a student applied to 10 universities, their GPA appears 10 times in students.

We want to generate a DataFrame that contains a single row for each student, indexed by "Email", that contains their "Name", "High School", "GPA", and "APs".

One attempt to create such a DataFrame is below.

students.groupby("Email").aggregate({"Name": "max",
                                        "High School": "mean",
                                        "GPA": "mean",
                                        "APs": "max"})

There is exactly one issue with the line of code above. In one sentence, explain what needs to be changed about the line of code above so that the desired DataFrame is created.

Answer: The problem right now is that aggregating High School by mean doesn’t work since you can’t aggregate a column with strings using "mean". Thus changing it to something that works for strings like "max" or "min" would fix the issue.

Problem 5.4

Consider the following snippet of code.

pivoted = students.assign(Admit=students["Admit"] == "Y") \
                    .pivot_table(index="High School", 

Some of the rows and columns of pivoted are shown below.

No students from Warren High were admitted to Columbia or Stanford. However,
pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Columbia"] and pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Stanford"] evaluate to different values. What is the reason for this difference?

Answer: Option 3

pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Stanford"] is NaN because there were no rows in students in which the "High School" was "Warren High" and the "University" was "Stanford", because nobody from Warren High applied to Stanford. However, pivoted.loc["Warren High", "Columbia"] is not NaN because there was at least one row in students in which the "High School" was "Warren High" and the "University" was "Columbia". This means that at least one student from Warren High applied to Columbia.

Option 3 is the only option consistent with this logic.

Problem 6

The DataFrame dogs, contains one row for every registered pet dog in Zurich, Switzerland in 2017.

The first few rows of dogs are shown below, but dogs has many more rows than are shown.

In this question, assume that there are more than 12 districts in dogs.

Suppose we merge the dogs DataFrame with itself as follows.

# on="x" is the same as specifying both left_on="x" and right_on="x".
double = dogs.merge(dogs, on="district")

# sort_index sorts a Series in increasing order of its index.
square = double["district"].value_counts().value_counts().sort_index()

The first few rows of square are shown below.

1     5500
4      215
9       40

Problem 6.1

In dogs, there are 12 rows with a "district" of 8. How many rows of double have a "district" of 8? Give your answer as a positive integer.

Answer: 144

When we merge dogs with dogs on "district", each 8 in the first dogs DataFrame will be combined with each 8 in the second dogs DataFrame. Since there are 12 in the first and 12 in the second, there are 12 \cdot 12 = 144 combinations.

Problem 6.2

What does the following expression evaluate to? Give your answer as a positive integer.

dogs.groupby("district").filter(lambda df: df.shape[0] == 3).shape[0]

Hint: Unlike in 5.1, your answer to 5.2 depends on the values in square.

Answer: 120

square is telling us that:

  • There are 5500 districts that appeared just 1x in dogs.
  • There are 215 districts that appeared 2x in dogs (2x, not 4x, because of the logic explained in the 5a rubric item).
  • There are 40 districts that appeared 3x in dogs.

The expression given in this question is keeping all of the rows corresponding to districts that appear 3 times. There are 40 districts that appear 3 times. So, the total number of rows in this DataFrame is 40 \cdot 3 = 120.

Problem 7

Kyle and Yutong are trying to decide where they’ll study on campus and start flipping a Michigan-themed coin, with a picture of the Michigan Union on the heads side and a picture of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library (aka the UgLi) on the tails side.

Kyle flips the coin 21 times and sees 13 heads and 8 tails. He stores this information in a DataFrame named kyle that has 21 rows and 2 columns, such that:

Then, Yutong flips the coin 11 times and sees 4 heads and 7 tails. She stores this information in a DataFrame named yutong that has 11 rows and 2 columns, such that:

Problem 7.1

How many rows are in the following DataFrame? Give your answer as an integer.

    kyle.merge(yutong, on="flips")

Hint: The answer is less than 200.

Answer: 108

Since we used the argument on="flips, rows from kyle and yutong will be combined whenever they have matching values in their "flips" columns.

For the kyle DataFrame:

  • There are 13 rows with "Heads" in the "flips" column.
  • There are 8 rows with "Tails" in the "flips" column.

For the yutong DataFrame:

  • There are 4 rows with "Heads" in the "flips" column.
  • There are 7 rows with "Tails" in the "flips" column.

The merged DataFrame will also only have the values "Heads" and "Tails" in its "flips" column.

  • The 13 "Heads" rows from kyle will each pair with the 4 "Heads" rows from yutong. This results in 13 \cdot 4 = 52 rows with "Heads"
  • The 8 "Tails" rows from kyle will each pair with the 7 "Tails" rows from yutong. This results in 8 \cdot 7 = 56 rows with "Tails".

Then, the total number of rows in the merged DataFrame is 52 + 56 = 108.

Problem 7.2

Let A be your answer to the previous part. Now, suppose that:

Suppose we again merge kyle and yutong on the "flips" column. In terms of A, how many rows are in the new merged DataFrame?

Answer: A+1

The additional row in each DataFrame has a unique "flips" value of "Total". When we merge on the "flips" column, this unique value will only create a single new row in the merged DataFrame, as it pairs the "Total" from kyle with the "Total" from yutong. The rest of the rows are the same as in the previous merge, and as such, they will contribute the same number of rows, A, to the merged DataFrame. Thus, the total number of rows in the new merged DataFrame will be A (from the original matching rows) plus 1 (from the new "Total" rows), which sums up to A+1.

Problem 8

The h table records addresses within San Diego. Only 50 addresses are recorded. The index of the dataframe contains the numbers 1-50 as unique integers.

Fill in the Python code to create a DataFrame containing the proportion of 4-digit address numbers for each unique street in h.

def foo(x):
    lengths = __(a)__
    return (lengths == 4).mean()



(a): x.astype(str).str.len()

(b): 'street'

(c): agg

Problem 9

Define small_students to be the DataFrame with 8 rows and 2 columns shown directly below, and define districts to be the DataFrame with 3 rows and 2 columns shown below small_students.

Consider the DataFrame merged, defined below.

merged = small_students.merge(districts, 
                                left_on="High School", 

How many total NaN values does merged contain? Give your answer as an integer.

Answer: 4

merged is shown below.

Problem 10

The DataFrame tv_excl contains all of the information we have for TV shows that are available to stream exclusively on a single streaming service. The "Service" column contains the name of the one streaming service that the TV show is available for streaming on.

The first few rows of tv_excl are shown below (though, of course, tv_excl has many more rows than are pictured here). Note that Being Erica is not in tv_excl, since it is available to stream on multiple services.

The DataFrame counts, shown in full below, contains the number of TV shows for every combination of "Age" and "Service".

Given the above information, what does the following expression evaluate to?

tv_excl.groupby(["Age", "Service"]).sum().shape[0]

Answer: 18

Note that the DataFrame counts is a pivot table, created using tv_excl.pivot_table(index="Age", columns="Service", aggfunc="size"). As we saw in lecture, pivot tables contain the same information as the result of grouping on two columns.

The DataFrame tv_excl.groupby(["Age", "Service"]).sum() will have one row for every unique combination of "Age" and "Service" in tv_excl. (The same is true even if we used a different aggregation method, like .mean() or .max().) As counts shows us, tv_excl contains every possible combination of a single element in {"13+", "16+", "18+", "7+", "all"} with a single element in {"Disney+", "Hulu", "Netflix", "Prime Video"}, except for ("13+", "Disney+") and ("18+", "Disney+"), which were not present in tv_excl; if they were, they would have non-null values in counts.

As such, tv_excl.groupby(["Age", "Service"]).sum() will have 20 - 2 = 18 rows, and tv_excl.groupby(["Age", "Service"]).sum().shape[0] evaluates to 18.

Problem 11

The DataFrame flights contains information about recent flights, with each row representing a specific flight and the following columns:

Suppose we have another DataFrame more_flights which contains the same columns as flights, but different rows. Define merged as follows.

        merged = flights.merge(more_flights, on = "airline")

Suppose that in merged, there are 108 flights where the airline is "United", and in more_flights, there are 12 flights where the airline is "United". If flights has 15 rows in total, how many of these rows are not for "United" flights? Give your answer as an integer.

Answer: 6

We are merging dataframes flights and more_flights according to the airline each flight belongs to. All the "United" flights in more_flights will be merged with all the "United" flights in flights, which we know gives us 108 total flights. We also know that there are 12 "United" flights in more_flights. To find the number of "United" flights in flights, we simply need to divide the total number of "United" flights in merged by the number of "United" flights in more_flights, which is 108/12 = 9. If flights has a total of 15 rows, then the total number of non-United rows is equal to 15 - 9 = 6.

Problem 12

For your convenience, the first few rows of tv are shown again below.

For the purposes of this question only, suppose we have also access to another similar DataFrame, movies, which contains information about a variety of movies. The information we have for each movie in movies is the same as the information we have for each TV show in tv, except for IMDb ratings, which are missing from movies.

The first few rows of movies are shown below (though movies has many more rows than are pictured here).

Problem 12.1

The function total_null, defined below, takes in a DataFrame and returns the total number of null values in the DataFrame.

total_null = lambda df: df.isna().sum().sum()

Consider the function delta, defined below.

def delta(a, b):
    tv_a = tv.head(a)
    movies_b = movies.head(b)
    together = pd.concat([tv_a, movies_b])
    return total_null(together) - total_null(tv_a) - total_null(movies_b)

Which of the following functions is equivalent to delta?

Answer: lambda a, b: b

Let’s understand what each function does.

  • total_null just counts all the null values in a DataFrame.
  • delta concatenates the first a rows of tv with the first b rows of movies vertically, that is, on top of one another (over axis 0). It then returns the difference between the total number of null values in the concatenated DataFrame and the total number of null values in the first a rows of tv and first b rows of movies – in other words, it returns the number of null values that were added as a result of the concatenation.

The key here is recognizing that tv and movies have all of the same column names, except movies doesn’t have an "IMDb" column. As a result, when we concatenate, the "IMDb" column will contain null values for every row that was originally from movies. Since b rows from movies are in the concatenated DataFrame, b new null values are introduced as a result of the concatenation, and thus lambda, a, b: b does the same thing as delta.

Problem 12.2

Fill in the blank to complete the implementation of the function size_of_merge, which takes a string col, corresponding to the name of a single column that is shared between tv and movies, and returns the number of rows in the DataFrame tv.merge(movies, on=col).

What goes in the blank below?

def size_of_merge(col):
    return (____).sum()

Hint: Consider the behavior below.

>>> s1 = pd.Series({'a': 2, 'b': 3})
>>> s2 = pd.Series({'c': 4, 'a': -1, 'b': 4})
>>> s1 * s2
a    -2.0
b    12.0
c     NaN
dtype: float64

Answer: tv[col].value_counts() * movies[col].value_counts()

tv.merge(movies, on=col) contains one row for every “match” between tv[col] and movies[col]. Suppose, for example, that col="Year". If tv["Year"] contains 30 values equal to 2019, and movies["Year"] contains 5 values equal to 2019, tv.merge(movies, on="Year") will contain 30 \cdot 5 = 150 rows in which the "Year" value is equal to 2019 – one for every combination of a 2019 row in tv and a 2019 row in movies.

tv["Year"].value_counts() and movies["Year"].value_counts() contain, respectively, the frequencies of the unique values in tv["Year"] and movies["Year"]. Using the 2019 example from above, tv["Year"].value_counts() * movies["Year"].value_counts() will contain a row whose index is 2019 and whose value is 150, with similar other entries for the other years in the two Series. (The hint is meant to demonstrate the fact that no matter how the two Series are sorted, the product is done element-wise by matching up indexes.) Then, (tv["Year"].value_counts() * movies["Year"].value_counts()).sum() will sum these products across all years, ignoring null values.

As such, the answer we were looking for is tv[col].value_counts() * movies[col].value_counts() (remember, "Year" was just an example for this explanation).

Problem 13

For each day in May 2022, the DataFrame streams contains the number of streams for each of the “Top 200" songs on Spotify that day — that is, the number of streams for the 200 songs with the most streams on Spotify that day. The columns in streams are as follows:

The first few rows of streams are shown below. Since there were 31 days in May and 200 songs per day, streams has 6200 rows in total.

Note that:

Problem 13.1

Complete the implementation of the function song_by_day, which takes in an integer day between 1 and 31 corresponding to a day in May, and an integer n, and returns the song that had the n-th most streams on day. For instance,
song_by_day(31, 199) should evaluate to "pepas", because "pepas" was the 199th most streamed song on May 31st.

Note: You are not allowed to sort within song_by_day — remember, streams is already sorted.

def song_by_day(day, n):
    day_str = f"2022-05-{str(day).zfill(2)}"
    day_only = streams[__(a)__].iloc[__(b)__]
    return __(c)__

What goes in each of the blanks?

Answer: a) streams['date'] == day_str, b) (200 - n), c) day_only['track_name']

The first line in the function gives us an idea that maybe later on in the function we’re going to filter for all the days that match the given data. Indeed, in blank a, we filter for all the rows in which the 'date' column matches day_str. In blank b, we could access directly access the row with the n-th most stream using iloc. (Remember, the image above shows us that the streams are sorted by most streamed in ascending order, so to find the n-th most popular song of a day, we simply do 200-n). Finally, to return the track name, we could simply do day_only['track_name'].

Problem 13.2

Below, we define a DataFrame pivoted.

pivoted = streams.pivot_table(index="track_name", columns="date", 
                                values="streams", aggfunc=np.max)

After defining pivoted, we define a Series mystery below.

mystery = 31 - pivoted.apply(lambda s: s.isna().sum(), axis=1)

mystery.loc["pepas"] evaluates to 23. In one sentence, describe the relationship between the number 23 and the song "pepas" in the context of the streams dataset. For instance, a correctly formatted but incorrect answer is “I listened to the song "pepas" 23 times today."

Answer: See below.

pivoted.apply(lambda s: s.isna().sum(), axis=1) computes the number of days that a song was not on the Top 200, so 31 - pivoted.apply(lambda s: s.isna().sum(), axis=1) computes the number of days the song was in the Top 200. As such, the correct interpretation is that "pepas" was in the Top 200 for 23 days in May.

Problem 13.3

In defining pivoted, we set the keyword argument aggfunc to np.max. Which of the following functions could we have used instead of np.max without changing the values in pivoted? Select all that apply.

Answer: Option A, B and D

For each combination of "track_name" and "date", there is just a single value — the number of streams that song received on that date. As such, the aggfunc needs to take in a Series containing a single number and return that same number.

  • The mean and median of a Series containing a single number is equal to that number, so the first two options are correct.

  • The length of a Series containing a single number is 1, no matter what that number is, so the third option is not correct.

  • lambda df: df.iloc[0] takes in a Series and returns the first element in the Series, which is the only element in the Series. This option is correct as well. (The parameter name df is irrelevant.)

Problem 13.4

Below, we define another DataFrame another_mystery.

another_mystery = (streams.groupby("date").last()
                            .groupby(["artist_names", "track_name"])

another_mystery has 5 rows. In one sentence, describe the significance of the number 5 in the context of the streams dataset. For instance, a correctly formatted but incorrect answer is “There are 5 unique artists in streams." Your answer should not include the word”row".

Answer: See below.

1in Since streams is sorted by "date" in descending order and, within each "date", by "streams" in ascending order, streams.groupby("date").last() is a DataFrame containing the song with the most "streams" on each day in May. In other words, we found the “top song" for each day. (The DataFrame we created has 31 rows.)

When we then execute .groupby(["artist_names", "track_name"]).count(), we create one row for every unique combination of song and artist, amongst the “top songs". (If no two artists have a song with the same name, this is the same as creating one row for every unique song.) Since there are 5 rows in this new DataFrame (resetting the index doesn’t do anything here), it means that there were only 5 unique songs that were ever the “top song" in a day in May; this is the correct interpretation.

👋 Feedback: Find an error? Still confused? Have a suggestion? Let us know here.